

2022-12-08 17:25:15 來(lái)源:51CTO博客



1 Windows系統(tǒng)上需要導(dǎo)入VMware Powershell模塊。建議導(dǎo)入用戶個(gè)人Powershell模塊目錄下。

#Powershell模塊版本名稱為:VMware-PowerCLI-13.0.0-20829139.zip 需要解壓后把解壓內(nèi)容放置到如下創(chuàng)建Modules目錄下。PS C:\Users\dengpeng> $env:PSModulePath #查看路徑C:\Users\dengpeng\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules#根據(jù)如上輸出結(jié)果,\WindowsPowerShell\Modules需要在Documents目錄下創(chuàng)建。#輸入命令  Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $True#輸入命令導(dǎo)入模塊   Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI 即可導(dǎo)入成功

?2 虛擬機(jī)都需要安裝VMTloos工具才行。


param(        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The Name prefix of Citrix virtual machine", Position=0)]        [string]        $vmprefix,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The number of the fisrt virtual machine", Position=1)]        [int]        $startnum,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The number of the last virtual machine", Position=2)]        [int]        $endnum,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The number of the last virtual machine", Position=2)]        [int]        $diskszie    )#the script to initilize D drive in virtual machine#Get-Partition -DriveLetter "E" | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter "P" |Out-Null$script = @"Get-Disk  | Where PartitionStyle -eq "raw" | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT -PassThru | New-Partition -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS   -NewFileSystemLabel  "個(gè)人數(shù)據(jù)盤""@#######################################################################################VC$VC_IP=""                                    #vCenter登錄IP$VC_USER="administrator@vsphere.local"    #vCenter登錄用戶名$VC_PWD="password"                                        #vCenter登錄密碼#$DataStore="Local-01"                   #指定存儲(chǔ)添加磁盤,若跟虛擬機(jī)存儲(chǔ)位置保值一致,注釋掉即可。#window$GuestUser="administrator"                            #添加磁盤虛擬機(jī)本地管理員賬號(hào)$GuestPassword="password"                                #密碼#$diskszie=""#disk$diskcounts="2"                                                #1代表未添加磁盤前,系統(tǒng)磁盤數(shù)量。MCS批量發(fā)布后,默認(rèn)兩塊#######################################################################################the file to save virtual machine uuid to activate Chrome$datevalue = get-date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm"#$filename = "C:\Users\citrixadmin\Desktop\VM-disk\" + $datevalue + "chrome.csv"echo "Serial Number (mandatory),Asset Tag" > $filenameif ( $startnum -le $endnum ) {    #Connect-VIServer hk-hco-vcsa-01    $VC = connect-viserver -server $VC_IP -user $VC_USER -password $VC_PWD    for($i = $startnum; $i -le $endnum; $i++) {        $vmname = $vmprefix + "{0:d3}" -f $i    #表示虛擬機(jī)名稱最后幾位數(shù)例如CVAD-VDI-### 代表3        $nu =  "{0:d3}" -f $i                                        #表示虛擬機(jī)名稱最后幾位數(shù)例如CVAD-VDI-### 代表3        $Exists = get-vm -name $vmname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue        If ($Exists) {            $vmuuid = (get-vm -Name $vmname | Get-VIew).config.uuid            $vmuuid = $vmuuid.replace("-", "")            $uuidlen = ${vmuuid}.length            $result = "VMware-"            for ($a = 0; $a -le $uuidlen; $a = $a + 2) {                if ($a -eq 14) {                    $middle = "-"                }                elseif ($a -eq 30) {                    $middle = "," + $vmname                }                else {                    $middle = " "                }                $result = $result + $vmuuid[$a] + $vmuuid[$a + 1] + $middle            }            echo ${result} >> $filename            $diskcount = (Get-HardDisk -vm $vmname).count            if ($diskcount -eq $diskcounts) {                #$dsname = (Get-HardDisk -vm $vmname | Get-Datastore).Name                #New-HardDisk -VM $vmname -CapacityGB $diskszie -StorageFormat Thin -DataStore  $DataStore |Out-Null  #數(shù)據(jù)盤和系統(tǒng)不同存儲(chǔ)                New-HardDisk -VM $vmname -CapacityGB 20 -StorageFormat Thin   | Out-Null  #數(shù)據(jù)盤和系統(tǒng)同一存儲(chǔ)                $OSversion = (get-vm -Name $vmname | Get-view).config.GuestFullName                if ( $OSversion -like "*Windows*") {                    $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmname                    if ($vm.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff") {                        Start-VM -VM $vm -Confirm:$false                        Start-Sleep -s 60                    }                    #Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vmname  -GuestUser $GuestUser -GuestPassword $GuestPassword -ScriptType PowerShell |Out-Null                    Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vmname  -Server  $VC_IP -ScriptType PowerShell                    Start-Sleep -s 2                     Write-Host [1] VM數(shù)據(jù)盤添加列表: -ForegroundColor Green                    Write-Host  ${vmname} 添加數(shù)據(jù)盤完成 -ForegroundColor Green                }                            }            else {                 Write-Host [2] VM數(shù)據(jù)盤已完成列表: -ForegroundColor Green                #echo "Please check if the virtual machine ${vmname} is with 200 GB drive, or you can add the disk manually."                Write-Host  ${vmname} 已完成數(shù)據(jù)盤完成            }        }        else {                    #echo "${vmname} does not exist"             #Write-Host [3] VM 列表: -ForegroundColor Green            Write-Host $nu  ${vmname} 沒有查詢到 -ForegroundColor Red        }    }}else {    echo "The start number should be less than end number!"}

運(yùn)行顯示效果如下,表示虛擬機(jī)前綴為CVAD-VDI- 最后表示三位### 在腳本里面已經(jīng)設(shè)置。設(shè)置開始位數(shù)和結(jié)束位數(shù)即可執(zhí)行。重復(fù)添加也無(wú)影響,腳本已經(jīng)做了相應(yīng)判斷,已添加磁盤會(huì)自動(dòng)略過。200為磁盤容量,默認(rèn)GB為單位。

標(biāo)簽: 輸入命令 需要安裝 顯示效果
